As a criminal defense lawyer who has represented clients from the Northwest suburbs to Chicago, I am often asked the question, “What should I do if I am contacted by the police or investigated for taking unauthorized videos?”Do not take this blog as legal advice but typically I tell my clients that the best thing they can do is to contact an attorney immediately who can act as a buffer or at least a go-between for the client and the police investigating him. Many times in an unauthorized video investigation, the police will get enough information to prosecute from simply speaking with the defendant prior to him meeting with counsel. It is important that the client understand that even putting himself at the scene of the crime can be enough to allow charges to be brought forth any case such as this which is why it is important to remain silent and retain an attorney. Oftentimes, I as an attorney, can discuss matters with the police that would be seen as an admission by my client if the same words came out of his mouth. Should you have any questions about an unauthorized video or potentially illegal files being sought by the police or other investigative agency, You can contact my office at anytime. Also, if you would like to see some of our successful representations of clients you can take a look at these videos.
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