Driver’s License Reinstatement

Illinois Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyers

If your Illinois driver's license has been suspended due to a DUI or traffic offense, it will be reinstated after the suspension period has elapsed. However, if your license was revoked (which happens if you have been convicted of DUI), there is no automatic reinstatement. Your license can only be reinstated following a formal administrative hearing with the Illinois Secretary of State's office (also known as a Secretary of State hearing).

At our Cook County law firm, defense lawyer John W. Callahan will represent you at this hearing to help get your driver's license reinstated as quickly as possible. Contact our firm to arrange for a free consultation to discuss how we can help you get your license back.

Reinstating Your Illinois Driver's License After a DUI-Related Revocation

To have your driver's license reinstated, you need to prove to the Secretary of State's office that your alcohol treatment program has been successful, that you will be a safe and responsible driver in the state of Illinois, and that you are no longer a danger to the public's safety.

You will be required to describe your entire drinking history, and everything you say has to be both believable and consistent with what you told your alcohol evaluator during your treatment program. You will be asked more than 100 questions, and if you are not prepared to give the right answers, you probably will lose.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Your Secretary of State Hearing

Fewer than 10 percent of the people who represent themselves at these administrative hearings with the Secretary of State's office are successful in their first attempt. With a lawyer's assistance, the odds are in your favor. Driver's license reinstatement attorneys at John W. Callahan, Ltd., have helped 80 percent of our clients get their driver's licenses back at their first administrative hearing.

Driving with a revoked license is a very serious offense. The first offense is 10 days in jail. If you have multiple offenses of driving with a revoked license, you will be charged with a felony punishable by at least one year in jail.

Let Us Help You Get Your Driver's License Back. Free Consultation.

Illinois lawyers of John W. Callahan, Ltd., also represent people at their Illinois driver's license suspension hearing. We offer a complimentary case evaluation at no cost to you. To set up an appointment with a lawyer, call our firm at 1-877-335-6697 or complete an online contact form.
